Stefano Zani|Network Manager
Amministratore del Datacenter INFN Tier1 e coordinatore dell’INFN Multimedia Group
Amministratore del Datacenter INFN Tier1 e coordinatore dell’INFN Multimedia Group
Coordina le attività del gruppo di Bologna, partecipa all’esperimento CMS e organizza le future attività ad un grande acceleratore circolare di leptoni con l’esperimento IDEA.
Works on studies with simulations to evaluate the IDEA detector response for benchmark physics channels at a future very large leptonic collider.
Theoretical physicist phenomenologist, studies the experimental results obtained at LHC and develops Montecarlo programs to simulate various physics processes of interest for LHC. He also develops theoretical predictions for many physics processes at future colliders, both leptonic, accelerating electrons or muons, and hadronic.
Coordinates the Bologna group, participates to the CMS experiment and organises the future activities at a very large circular leptonic collider with the IDEA detector.