I.N.F.N. - Ferrara
This group mainly focus on the construction of the next-gen detectors, such as the Micro-Patter Gas Detectors (MPGD) and the IDEA muon detector.
The Ferrara group works on the design and the construction of innovative detectors to obtain more and more precise information on the Standard Model parameters.
We focus on the development of the next-gen gas detectors, the so-called Micro-Patter Gas Detectors (MPGD).
This new concept is highly effective especially in the environments we can find in the future accelerators. In such environments, we will find huge quantities of data and we will require really precise measurements.
With Italian and International partners, we work on the design of two sub-detectors for the next-gen spectrometer IDEA. This new detector will be one of the two which will be installed in the next e+e- circular collider.
We focus on the muon detector, useful to detect and study the Higgs boson, and the pre-shower, which will allow us to reach highly precise measurements for electromagnetic showers.
INFN Researcher
He organises the group activities and projects with great patience and responsibility. He never stops to search for new opportunities in the Physics of the Future.
INFN Researcher
He focuses on the tuning of data acquisition systems, maintaining a link between technology and detectors.
UniFE Reasearcher
She analyses data and develops the software for the detectors. She is constantly searching for more and more precise answers, but she never forgets about questioning her students!
He happily juggles between hardware and data analysis. He participates in the construction of innovatine detectors and then runs to study new particles.
INFN Post Doc
He focuses on the development of new technologies. He develops software codes to better understand gas detectors.

Ilaria Balossino
She is passionate about detectors. All over the globe, she is in charge of quality testing and commissioning detectors. She is on the lookout for new experiences and collaborations.
Marco Scodeggio
INFN – UniFE PhD Student
He is completely absorbed in data analyses of experiments, craving to know and understand particles features.

Administrative Assistant
Passing my life between mountains of orders and walking throught the rock ones.
Stay Tuned
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