I.N.F.N. - Bologna / CNAF
Il gruppo lavora in uno dei due grandi esperimenti a LHC, CMS svolgendo un ruolo di primo piano nella scoperta del bosone di Higgs
The Bologna group works in one of the two large experiments at LHC, CMS. In this context it played a major role in the discovery of the Higgs boson that led to the Nobel prize in Physics 2013.
Since a few years we are busy in the development of innovative gas detectors, named Micro Pattern Gas Detectors. These detectors are ideal for future high energy experiments. In this context we have also been among the proponents of a new detector concept, called IDEA, for a future experiment at a very large leptonic collider. We work on the muon detector, the preshower and the dual readout calorimeter.
The Bologna group has also an intense activity in theoretical phenomenology of high energy physics. These studies are carried over studying the physical processes and the results obtained by the experiment at the LHC. They are then pursued also at future accelerators, like a large circular leptonic collider, a future proton accelerator of extremely high energy and also at the studies of the physics capabilities of an eventual muon collider.
Paolo Giacomelli
INFN Senior Researcher
Coordinates the Bologna group, participates to the CMS experiment and organises the future activities at a very large circular leptonic collider with the IDEA detector.

Fabio Maltoni
UniBo Professor
Theoretical physicist phenomenologist, studies the experimental results obtained at LHC and develops Montecarlo programs to simulate various physics processes of interest for LHC. He also develops theoretical predictions for many physics processes at future colliders, both leptonic, accelerating electrons or muons, and hadronic.
Valentina Diolaiti
Undergraduate Student
Works on studies with simulations to evaluate the IDEA detector response for benchmark physics channels at a future very large leptonic collider.

Stefano Zani
Network Manager
Network Manager of the INFN Tier1 Datacenter and coordinator of the INFN Multimedia Group.
Fabio Bisi
System Administrator
I am System Administrator of the Electronics center of the Bologna section of INFN and I have been part of the “INFN Multimedia group” since 2001.

Roberto Giacomelli
Post doc INFN
Graduated in physics with specializations in physics and computer science and member of the INFN Multimedia Group since its origins.
He is part of the Calculation Center of the Bologna Section, Macintosh expert, he has developed the new Section Web site.
Head of the PCTO, he collaborates in other areas of the Third Mission and with various physics experiments.
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